Boost Your PR Strategy to Generate More Leads

For companies,the bottomline is an important consideration for every move they make. Of course,you want a profitable venture,one that can give a good return on investment in the shortest time possible. The way that most companies improve their processes,however,determines whether they will be afloat for a long time.

Aside from lead generation services,which give you a higher sale potential,you also need a good PR strategy. Here’s why:

You Need Brand Consistency

Across platforms,the messaging you may be showing to clients could look scattered and confusing. This is what happens when you don’t have a good PR strategy. Instead of having one coherent brand voice,it will seem like your Facebook page,Twitter profile,Instagram account,and Pinterest boards belong to different companies. Having a PR strategy will help you unify the voice of your company to make your branding more consistent.

You Can Focus on Platforms that Convert

The leads you generate can come from several platforms. If you are tracking everything,as you should,you will know which platforms are giving you the most traffic and quality leads. You can then focus on strengthening your marketing on those platforms,and reinforcing other platforms that don’t convert. A PR strategy tailor-fitted to the platform you are targeting will help you come up with campaigns that are more effective in your focus platform.

You Need to Build Authority

Part of a good PR strategy is identifying connections you want to nurture and grow. This means instead of reaching out to just any influencer or blog to attend your events or give your brand a shoutout,you are choosing those whose branding goes well with your company’s ethos. Customers these days look for authenticity,so it pays to only be connected with personalities who believe in the same thing as your business.

With a good PR strategy,you can generate leads that convert because they know that you are authentic and authoritative in your niche. If you already have a strategy in place,check it for areas that need improvement.

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Webinar Success in the Time of COVID

One of the ways to keep your business top-of-mind in this trying time is by setting up webinars. Those who have established themselves as an authoritative figure in their niche will want this opportunity to remind people of their position. Meanwhile,those who are just starting out can show everyone stuck at home that they are also worth a look.

For your webinar to be successful,however,you’ll need the following:

Social Media Visibility

Everything is done online nowadays,including the promotions for your webinar. Send out messages and post teasers weeks or days before your webinar so that people will have ample time to see the schedule. Personally invite the leads you are trying to convert by giving them an overview of the topics you will discuss. Use event management sites where you can add the schedule of your webinar for free,for more exposure. Make it easy for attendees to save the date on their calendars as well.

Share Clear Information about the Webinar

Before you post details about your webinar,make sure that everything is accurate. Check that the time is specified clearly,and let everyone know where the webinar is happening. Some hold it via apps,while others premiere their video on Facebook or other social media platforms. Wherever it is,include the details in your posters.

Follow up on Attendees After the Webinar

Your webinar is not just a source of information during uncertain times. It’s also a part of your marketing strategy. As experts in lead generation services,we recommend following up on those who attended the webinar to ask pertinent information and perhaps ease them along the sales funnel. If they attended the webinar,there is a good chance you offer something they are interested in,and now is the time to nurture this lead so that when the lockdown is over,you will be able to convert them.

Your business can continue operations during a time of crisis. All you have to do is take your business online.

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