How a CO2 Laser Cuts Material

If you are you planning to buy a laser engraver for business purposes and therefore wish to learn more about how laser cutting machinery operates then this post will be of some help? First,before you go off an purchase anything look at reviews of the company including what past owners are saying. Here is a review of Camfive laser that I found that was surprising. Don’t know if it is true but you can usually get a general consensus about a laser company by looking at different review or forum sites.

As far as Laser engraving or laser marking the difference between the two is the depth that the laser burns into the material. And you don’t need an expensive industrial laser since even a small laser like one described at this website: will engrave wood and cut thin wood quiet easily. More dwell time will get more into engraving and even cutting. Same is true with power. The more power will obliterate or burn the material more. Laser engraving like the other laser procedures uses also a laser beam in order to manipulate the surface of objects. The laser engraving process is commonly used to create one or more images on a particular material,which may be noticed at eye level. During the process,high heat that is created by the laser vaporizes the matter therefore exposing cavities that are ideal in forming the final image.

How a Laser Engraver Works

The process of laser engraving is actually pretty quick since the material of concern does not need to be pinned down to the work platform like you would with a CNC laser machine. It is literally focused light that is working into the material. The depth of the engraving present in the material is managed by the power or dwell time over the material.
During the laser engraving process,the surface of the material is burned or even melted first and vaporized by that heat being produced by laser beam through a process referred as material removal. More power will speed up the process.

So,this is how the laser burns material to either mark,engrave,or cut through it.